Thursday Race Rundowns:
W2- 12:30- ↔️📣Race one saw W2 holding off Corpus nicely through the gut and onto greenbanks but a klaxon ended the race early, leaving the legs fresh for race two….
W2 – 13:30 – ↔️📣 Race two began with a quick start, W2 were gaining on Christ Church fast with bow on stern overlap. Sadly, another klaxon ended the race just a few strokes short of the bump. Let’s catch them tomorrow!
W1- 14:30 – ↔️📣A strong, clean and punchy start saw W1 gain on Mansfield, but through the gut, the gap widened again. Whilst holding off Exeter from behind on the approach to boathouse island, the steering cord snapped, but this was nothing our star cox couldn’t handle. Set for a real chase to the finish, yet another klaxon ended the race earlier than anticipated, leaving W1 hungry for bumps!
M1 – 15:00 – ⬇️⬇️⬇️M1 had a decent start again today, but Somerville didn’t get scared by it and caught up to them at the exit of the gut. The M1 then directed all their efforts to rowing to the finish line, but a late surge from Queen’s caught them off guard a few strokes from the end.
Friday Race Times:
W2: 12:30 and potentially 13:30
W1: 14:30 and potentially 15:30
M1: 15:00